Data Connection Setup - Abbott Toxicology

The import settings of a Laboratory record configured for Abbott Toxicology (formerly Alere) may not be modified by DrugPak Users.  To make any adjustment/correction to the import settings, please submit a ticket to DrugPak Support.

Configuration of this laboratory setup requires intervention from DrugPak LLC staff.  To proceed with the setup of this lab, please submit a ticket to DrugPak Support, including the following;

  • Your Abbott Toxicology Download Directory (information that you must get from Abbott Toxicology)
  • The name and web page address of the Laboratory record in DrugPak (see below)
  • The preference for XML or HL7 formatted data

Abbott Toxicology can provide data for import into DrugPak in one of two formats, and you must choose which format.  There may be various differences between the XML and HL7 formats, and DrugPak Support encourages you to consult with Abbott about the benefits of each.  The XML data may include cutoff values for both screen and confirmation testing and may include embedded documents.  The HL7 data does not include cutoff values.

Consult with Abbott Toxicology about setting up the data transfer.  Tell them that you intend to set up a data download via DrugPak and that you need to know the name of your download directory.  In the ticket to DrugPak Support, include the name of your download directory and identify which Laboratory record in DrugPak to configure the connection for.

To designate which Laboratory record in DrugPak should be assigned the Data Connection, please take the following steps to identify the Laboratory record clearly.

  1. Select "Laboratories" from the "Vendors" menu.
  2. Click into the name of the Laboratory from the list that the Data Connection is to be assigned to.
  3. Note the Name and the web page address (both circled in red in the following image).  Provide both the Name and web page address in the ticket, along with written directions that the indicated Laboratory record should be configured for a Data Connection with Abbott Toxicology.