Troubleshooting Errors With Imported Result Data

When a problem has been encountered by DrugPak, during the process of importing result data through a Data Connection, a message about the problem is posted to the DrugPak Notification Center.  A common warning begins with "Error Processing Lab File For ..." and may include various text.  The initial troubleshooting for any variation of warning about processing a file follows the same steps.

The name of the Laboratory or MRO that is displayed in the notification is a link.  Click on that link to view the Lab or MRO record.

In the Lab or MRO record, click on the Imports page.

Look toward the bottom of the page for the "Import History" section to review the recently processed imports.  A typical Import History will list recently imported files, indicating the date and time that the import was executed.

Initial Failure Followed By Success

A common cause of error conditions is a simple issue of timing; It is possible that DrugPak would begin to try to read a data file before the transfer of the file has been completed.  

When an error has been encountered with an import file, then DrugPak would re-try reading the file after a brief pause.

If a 2nd attempt at reading a file is successful, this would be illustrated in the Import History by a record for the initial error, followed shortly thereafter with a record of a successful import for a file with an identical name.

In this situation, there is no need for any action, the data file was successfully imported, and the warning about the initial failure in the Notification Center can be dismissed.

Persistent Failure

If a file persists to fail import, then it is an indication of a problem in the content of the file.  DrugPak will eventually stop trying to import the file.

The error indicated in the Import History's "Message" may be useful in identifying the cause of the problem.  In the following example, the error indicates that the value provided for the Collection Date is not a valid date (55/66/2021).  This is an example of a problem that would need to be addressed in the original data (such as correcting an invalid date) and then having the data re-transmitted to DrugPak to be imported with the corrected information.