Encrypted Email Attachment Password Setup

Reports that are delivered from ScreenHubb via encrypted email attachment must have a Report Encryption Password configured before the report can be created and delivered.

If you have encountered difficulty while attempting to set up a Report Encryption Password, please reach out to your Service Provider for assistance.

If you encounter an error, then the password may have already been set up, or the verification link may have expired.

Steps to Setting Up a Report Encryption Password

The first step in this process is verifying the email address of the recipient.  This is accomplished via an email that is sent from "no-reply@screenhubb.com".  The recipient of the email must click the link "please click here to verify your email address" and complete the Report Encryption Password setup in order to have reports sent to them.

Clicking this link will cause a web page to display where the encryption password for report attachments must be configured.  

Create a password and enter that password into the "New Password" field, and then confirm the new password by entering the same text into the "Repeat Password" field, then click "I Accept".  A Report Encryption Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and must contain letters and numbers.

Once the Report Encryption Password has been set then a confirmation page will display.

This web page may be closed and no further action is necessary.  The password can be used to open the next report that is delivered via email.

Using a Report Encryption Password

After the Report Encryption Password has been configured, then future email from "no-reply@screenhubb.com" may include attached documents.  In order to open those documents the Report Encryption Password must be entered.