Result Data Import Site Matching

NOTE: This feature requires a Data Connection subscription option. For info on how to add a Data Connection to your subscription, see the Subscription Management article.


Site Matching is the feature of DrugPak's Result Import that associates the imported Result record with the appropriate Company and Collection Site records in DrugPak based on the imported data.

DrugPak provides two methods of Site Matching;

  • Code Matching - Initially, a result would be imported where the value is unknown.  A DrugPak User would manually assign the value to that Result record.  DrugPak will learn from the data entry and create a match between the imported information and the value that the DrugPak User had assigned.
  • Account/Phone Matching - Imported values will be assigned based on Lab Account numbers that can be entered into a Company record or by the Collection Site Phone Number that can be added to a Collection Site record.

Matching Method

The Vendor Import Settings provide options for the Company and Collection Site to match using either method.

This article provides information about using the methods of Site Matching:


Result records may be imported to DrugPak through Laboratory and MRO Vendor records.  When a Result record is imported through an MRO, the Company and Collection Site values will rely on the Match Method settings configured in the Laboratory record in DrugPak.  If the Code Matching method is used, the matches are stored in the Laboratory record.

Code Matching


Code Matching relies on a DrugPak User receiving a result, manually assigning a value, and releasing that result to teach DrugPak the relationship between the imported data and the record to match with in DrugPak.  Before Code Matching can automatically assign a Company or Collection Site to an imported Result record, the following steps must occur;

  1. A Result record must be imported into DrugPak that illustrates an example of the value to be linked (i.e., a new code for the Company or Collection Site). 
  2. The Result record in the Result Work Area must be manually assigned the appropriate value (i.e., select the Company or Collection Site). 
  3. The Result record must be Released from the Result Work Area. 
    During the action of releasing a result, DrugPak updates Site Matching values to use with future imported result data.

After the manually modified Result record has been released from the Result Work Area, DrugPak will learn from the modifications made to the Result record and use the Site Mapping to fill in those fields for result data imported after that point.

The DrugPak Setting "Auto Link Companies" can be used to apply a new Company Site Mapping to other new Result records that were imported while the new Company Site Mapping is created.

A Code Used with Multiple Sites

If an identical code has been associated with multiple Companies or Locations, DrugPak's "Strict Company Matching" setting determines if a Company is assigned or not.

  • Strict Company Matching = OFF - If there are two or more Companies/Locations matched to the same code, DrugPak will not assign a Company when a Result is imported with that code.
  • Strict Company Matching = ON - If there are two or more Companies/Locations matched to the same code, DrugPak will assign the first Company that was linked to the code.

Creating a New Site Match

When a Result record has been imported into DrugPak and any matched values (Company or Collection Site) are empty, those values must be filled in manually.

Filling in that missing information is the foundation for establishing the Site Mapping.

After completing any other processing with the Result record, then Release it.  Once the Result record has been released, any Site Mapping that was part of the record will be saved for future use.

Correcting Incorrect Matches

Existing mappings can be viewed in a Laboratory or Medical Review Officer record on the "Imports" page under "Collection Site Mappings" and "Company Mappings".

Existing Matches may be deleted.  Matches may not be edited, only deleted.

Account/Phone Matching

Account/Phone Matching relies on lab account or telephone number values entered into a Company record or Collection Site record before the result data is imported into DrugPak.  

NOTE: If two or more records have the same Account/Phone, then DrugPak will not automatically assign any value to the imported Result record that matches the value.

Company record > Lab Accounts

The Company record > Lab Accounts page provides an interface to link a Laboratory to a Company and then enter that Company's account numbers for that lab.  The result import process may use these numbers to identify the Company based on the Account Number included in the imported data.

Collection Site Phone

The Collection Site record > Details page provides an interface to add Address records.  The Phone number is one part of an Address.  The Collection Site may have multiple addresses with different phone numbers for each.