Result Data Import Interface Configuration
NOTE: This feature requires a Data Connection subscription option. For info on how to add a Data Connection to your subscription, see the Subscription Management article.
NOTE: Result data import interface may only be enabled/disabled by an Account Administrator.
Topics in this article:
Configuring a Data Connection
Result data can be imported from a trading partner (Laboratories and Medical Review Officers) through DrugPak's Data Connection subscription option. A Laboratory or Medical Review Officer record configured for result import will be denoted by a download icon () in the Lab/MRO list.
The steps to set up a result data import varies slightly depending on the trading partner. The general setup process is described below. For more detailed information on configuration for specific trading partners, see related articles in the "Data Connection Setup Instructions" menu.
- From the "Vendors" menu, select "Laboratories" or "Medical Review Officers" (whichever is the source of the data to be imported).
- Select the Laboratory or Medical Review Officer to be configured.
- Click the "Imports" tab.
- Under the "Import Setup" tab, select "Lab" from the drop-down list. "Lab" represents the trading partner creating the data that will be imported into DrugPak. The "Lab" setting controls the other settings, including the file type and delivery method. For more detailed configuration information, see related articles in the "Data Connection Setup Instructions" menu.
- Infer License Numbers - If this check box is turned on, the import logic will evaluate Donor ID data to determine if the value is a driver's license (starting or ending with a 2-character state/prov abbreviation). If so, the value will automatically be assigned as the driver's license.
- Disable Participant Adding - If this checkbox is turned on, DrugPak's feature to automatically add Participants will be disabled for Results imported through this Data Connection.
- Collection Site Match Method - Two methods are provided to automatically associate a Collection Site record in DrugPak to the imported Result.
- Code Matching - When using this method, when an unrecognized Collection Site is included in an imported Result record, no Collection Site is assigned to the Result automatically. If a DrugPak User manually assigns a Collection Site to the imported Result before releasing the Result, DrugPak records the association between the assigned Collection Site and information included in the imported Result data (such as Site Name, Site Code, and Address). Any imported Result data in the future that includes the same Collection Site information will automatically be assigned the associated Collection Site in DrugPak. See the "Result Data Import Site Mapping" article for additional information.
- Phone Matching - When using this method, DrugPak will attempt to automatically identify the appropriate Collection Site record in DrugPak by using the telephone number included in the imported Result data and the telephone number of a Collection Site. If no matching phone number exists or two or more Collection Sites can be identified using that phone number, then no Collection Site will be assigned.
- Company Match Method - Two methods are provided to automatically associate a Company record in DrugPak to the imported Result.
- Code Matching - When using this method, when an unrecognized Company is included in an imported Result record, no Company is assigned to the Result automatically. If a DrugPak User manually assigns a Company to the imported Result before releasing the Result, then DrugPak records the association between the assigned Company and information included in the imported Result data (such as Customer Code, Employer, Sub-Account, and Location). Any imported Result data in the future that includes the same Company information will automatically be assigned to the associated Company in DrugPak. See the "Result Data Import Site Mapping" article for additional information.
- Account Number Matching - When using this method, DrugPak will attempt to automatically identify the appropriate Company record in DrugPak by using the account number included in the imported Result data and Lab Account numbers of a Company. If no matching account number exists, or if two or more Companies can be identified using that account number, then no Company will be assigned.
- Click the <Save> button (at the top left of the Import Settings area) to save the settings.
- Click the <Enable It Now> button to enable the interface.
- The Interface Status changes to all blue with the message "This Interface is enabled".
- After receiving the result data, the "Last Import" and "Import History" sections will display information about recently imported files. If there is an error, it will be displayed in the Last Error box.
Browse Remote File System
A remote data source may allow browsing of the content that is available to download. Clicking the <Browse> button at the lower-right of the Import Settings will initiate a connection to the Host and display a list of files available for retrieval.
NOTE: The <Browse> function attempts to establish a connection based on the most recently saved credentials. If an error is encountered when saving credentials, then those credentials are not in effect, and the <Browse> function will not employ those credentials in an attempt to connect.
After clicking the <Browse> button, the "Browse Remote File System" window will display. All files currently available for download from the Host will be listed.
Each file has three icons and a link to the file name itself.
- Delete the file from the server (without viewing or downloading the file).
- Download the file. NOTE: Some trading partners will delete the file once it has been accessed, so viewing the file may result in the server deleting it.
- Icon of file or folder - Denotes if the item is a file or a folder (which may contain additional files or folders).
- File-name - View the contents of the file (or folder). NOTE: Some trading partners will delete the file once it has been accessed, so viewing it may result in the server deleting it.
Upon clicking an item, a confirmation window will display, pointing out that the action may result in the file being deleted. Click <Yes> to proceed.
Import History
The Import History tab of the Imports page provides a list of each file imported from the vendor. Each record indicates the date and time the file had been processed, a link to the file that had been imported, and the message of any error that may have occurred during the import action.
The Import History may be searched by Specimen ID to locate any imported data file that includes that Specimen.