
DrugPak User

The base-level DrugPak subscription includes one User.

A User is based on an email address.  A User may not be used on more than one device at the same time.  In order to have multiple individuals access DrugPak at the same time, Extra Users must be added to the DrugPak Subscription.

Extra (DrugPak) User

Extra DrugPak Users can be included with your DrugPak Web subscription or added when needed in the future.  Extra Users are added via the DrugPak Web Subscription Window.

MRO User

Requires the MRO Pro add-on module.

An MRO User can access the MROPro module in ScreenHubb.

A subscription to MROPro includes one (1) MRO User.  

NOTE: A ScreenHubb user can be given access to either DrugPak or MROPro, both, or none. For instance, a user with access to both DrugPak and MROPro can use both modules, while a user who only has access to MROPro cannot access DrugPak and vice versa.

Support User

ScreenHubb Users (excluding Client Portal Users) can be granted access to the Support Center at no cost to submit and review Support Tickets and to browse and search the Knowledge Center for DrugPak.